Timey Bot Auto Vac (TM) | Sansar Store
Timey Bot Auto Vac (TM)

Timey Bot Auto Vac (TM)


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This little robot moves around your experience and cleans up the dust.

To see this in action visit my store

Place down the pack and move the way points around where you want the robot to go.
Marker order
1:- Red, 2:- Green, 3:- Blue, 4:- Purple, 5:- Yellow, 6:- Black, 7:- Lblue, 8:- Pink, 9:- Orange.
Make sure there is nothing in the path of the Vac as it will climb over the object!

Gif :- https://i.gyazo.com/0f81b273693f96e4a1bbdd0d028a12d9.gif

This uses EvoAv's Mover Waypoints / Pathfinder script this can be found in his store.

Store :- https://store.sansar.com/search?q=EVO
Direct Link :- https://store.sansar.com/listings/cd469c99-65d5-45c7-a6bb-2f1bec271da9/mover-waypoints--pathfinder-

Item name
Timey Robot Vac Pack (TM)