Item Spawn | Sansar Store
Item Spawn

Item Spawn


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This script will create an "item spawn point" where it keeps rezzing a copy of the object in the parameters every time the item is "taken".

It has 3 subscripts:
- Clickable Spawn - this will fire an event and derez the item after it is clicked, for example when taking a key for a door.
- Collidable Spawn - this will fire an event and derez the item after it is collided with, for example when picking up a "power up" in a game.
- Grabbable Spawn - this will allow the copy to be picked up, and optionally derez when it is released. It will rez another copy each time it is picked. This is good for gun spawn points.

Other features included:
- Rez a random object from a list
- Spawn delay
- Play sound when picking up

* I allow buyers to resell this script as part of their own products, but not as a standalone script

Item name
ItemSpawn [1.0.7]
Min. resale price