Drifting Float With Flutter For Fairy Wings EMOTE | Sansar Store
Drifting Float With Flutter For Fairy Wings EMOTE

Drifting Float With Flutter For Fairy Wings EMOTE


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A looped floating animation that moves from side to side slightly with gentle arm and leg movement, now with added wing flutter to animate with our fairy wings.

Should also animate any wings/objects attached to the wing attach bones with varying results.

Works with male and female framed avatars.

Animation gif examples: https://gyazo.com/93c1fc6c14f81f1d8b69b7f72ef7af90

Contact "TheNick-1981" through Sansar or Sansar discord if you need re-rigging, a custom design or if there is a problem etc.

Item name
Drifting Float Fairy Wings Flutter
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