Remotion Group Dance/Choreo Controller | Sansar Store
Remotion Group Dance/Choreo Controller

Remotion Group Dance/Choreo Controller


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This is an emote dispenser script on a trigger volume that can be copied/pasted onto a different size one or we can resize it. It allows the scene owner (or everyone with OwnerOnly turned off) to control the emotes of everyone on this trigger, specific avatars via handle anywhere in the scene, and allows users to do self emotes of the ones you load into this script with simple chat commands you define in the script properties. For each animation object added to the list, you must provide a chat command in the cross-reference list in the script properties (see screenshot for basic example with only 5 demo animations in it);

There are many commands that allow the scene owner/or everyone (with OwnerOnly off) to change other options such as Emote SPEED and if the emote affects VR users or not, if the emote affects the UPPERBODY ONLY or the WHOLE AVATARS bodies.

UpperBodyOnly toggle allows us to MIX emotes together one for upper body and one for lower, it also allows us to run/walk/fly, etc with an upper-body emote playing still :)

There is a lot more help about the in-world commands if you are the scene owner OR have owner only turned off/disabled.. just type /HELP in nearby to see it if you're allowed to, and the rest of the information below will be shared with only you in nearby chat, as well as all other chat interactions with user(s) and this script, they are private notices.

-> Lists all available emotes in all of the emote dispensers you have placed

-> List all of the agents that are on the dance floor (trigger volume the script is on)

-> List all of the emotes the scene owner has loaded into emote dispensers

-> When enabled, the only owner can access help menu and commands other than self-emotes

-> Enable/disable "apply new emotes to upper body only", also allows users to run around walk jump fly, etc while
still doing the upper body emote when used. Allows mixing of original emote on lower body and second emote on the upper body.

/TARGETEMOTE username-1234 /emotename
-> Make a specific user do a specific emote

/ALLEMOTE /emotename
-> Make all users on the dance area trigger volume do a specific emote in sync
/REMOTION /emotename
-> (alternate command, same as above) - Make all users on the dance area trigger volume do a specific emote in sync

-> Stop all emotes on all avatars
-> (alternate command, same as above) - Stop all emotes on all avatars

/REMOTIONSPEED <speed 0.11 thru 10.0>
-> Changes the speed of the next animation you apply to everyone, self-emote commands, and specific users. 1.0 is the normal playback speed.

-> Enable/disable the affecting of VR users on or off. Some VR users may not like having their upper body animated without consent. If this is the scenario.. turn this feature off by setting it to disabled/false or toggle it to disabled using this chat command (no parameters)

-> When applying emotes to users/all/self/etc .. this toggles looping/repeat on/off.

If you dupe the script on the trigger volume to increase the amount of emotes available 20 more, please set dispenser id accordingly (if you have three, make the first one 0, then 1 and 2 etc)... if it is 0 and ShowWelcomeMsg is enabled on that one, it will show the welcome message once, if you don't set these numbers correctly it will show multiple enter/exit trigger messages.

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