Skybox - Yellow and Light Brown - The Little Room With Ceiling Lamp | Sansar Store
Skybox - Yellow and Light Brown - The Little Room With Ceiling Lamp

Skybox - Yellow and Light Brown - The Little Room With Ceiling Lamp


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This is a little skybox room with 2 windows and no door.

You can use it as a small home, or a little shop.

I've made it with a collision shape.
And I've set de default Draw Distance to 128 meters.

There is also a ceiling lamps that is a second mesh, so you can delete it if you want.

Outsides sizes are 16 x 8 x 4 Meters.
But you can resize it if you want.

- Skybox : 176 KB - 16 Textures - 220 Triangles
- Ceiling Lamp : 3 KB - 4 Textures - 48 Triangles

And you can resale it !

Item name
MPP - Skybox - Yellow and Light Brown - The Little Room With Ceiling Lamp
Min. resale price