‘Headspace’ Abstract (η) Sleeveless Hoodie - Unisex | Sansar Store
‘Headspace’ Abstract (η) Sleeveless Hoodie - Unisex

‘Headspace’ Abstract (η) Sleeveless Hoodie - Unisex


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Constructed with an oversize hood, this garment can be adjusted using the Marvelous Designer tools built into Sansar. Make the hood high and long, fold it down to a more traditional hood-like shape, pull it back completely or pull it off in any direction – it’s up to you!

High-resolution textures were used in the construction of this item. This garment will fit all male and female avatars but will be looser on smaller shapes.

Tip: This garment is sold with the hood at full extension when first worn. If you wish to keep it that way, I suggest you pin the tip and midway towards the head first when you enter the adjust simulation.

This link explains the tools (grabbing, pinning, pulling etc.) available in the adjust simulation: https://help.sansar.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005693363-Fitting-Marvelous-Designer-clothing-to-your-avatar

Don't forget the (>) Simulate button.

Item name
‘Headspace’ Abstract (η) Sleeveless Hoodie - Unisex
Made with Marvelous Designer
This garment replicates the physical properties of real fabric and can be dynamically adjusted on your avatar. Learn more.