SpotLight System
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Stage Spot Light System. This is a avatar tracking system that can be used in multiple ways. Would make for a nice runway fashion show, stage lights, crazy eye that always watches you, or just a long pole that points at people. This couples well with the proximity detector script, but it's not required, you could trigger it other ways too. You will need to set the object to dynamic on. This allows the object to be positioned and rotated. for stage lighting you'll want to add a spot light to the object. Rotate and face your object the way you want it with the light attached and pointing in the default position. The message it will act on is proximity_detection_on:xx where xx is the target's sessionId. And proximity_detection_off:xx where xx is the target's sessionId. The off version returns the light to the default position. The parameters are:
Position - set this to the same as the object's positon
Rotation - set this to the default rotation for the off rotation of the light
TargetZOffset - this will allow for a height adjustment of the light, 1.75 is good for face centering.
ReceiverChannel - this is the channel to receive the message on.
Agustine has some nice stage lights that would work well with this.
Try the scripts in action here https://atlas.sansar.com/experiences/gindipple/bowling-alley
Walk over the colored lights to trigger detection and tracking, then walk over the white light to trigger tracking off.