Animation Set Player ⏭️
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Animation Set Player is a set of scripts that allow you to play multiple named animations in the fbx with one script. It is also possible to play a sequence of animations, either named from frame subsections. The script is able to calculate the duration of an animation from the frame count, and therefore can trigger an event when the animation ends. Also included is a basic random animation loop player that plays all the named animations in the objects at random in a loop.
This allows to play multi-step animations that end in a loop with one script, such having a draw gun animation and then going into shooting loop. It can be used on npcs to allow for smooth (start walk -> walking -> stopping -> idle -> etc) animations.
1.0.0 - initial release
1.1.0 - added 'Animation Auto Definitions', if you have multiple animations defined as separate animations in the fbx, it can now detect them automatically.
1.1.1 - Some bug fixes. Added 'Print Definitions' to Animation Auto Definitions script that will print in the debug console all the animations it finds in the object.
1.2.0 - Added random animation player
1.3.0 - Added a simpler multi-animation player
* I allow buyers to resell this script as part of their own products, but not as a standalone script