Loot Teleporter Zone | Sansar Store
Loot Teleporter Zone

Loot Teleporter Zone


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The Loot Teleporter Zone teleports players locally within a scene or to other scenes when they walk within range of a specified point. It does not need to be placed on a dynamic object, which means nobody is walking away with your teleporter! There are additional options to play sounds or delay the teleport.

INSTRUCTIONS: Place this script on any item (it does not need to be set to dynamic).

"Center on Object": If ON, teleporter is centered on the attached objects position, if OFF then set the center manually in the Center Point field.
"Center Point": When Center on Object is OFF, this point acts as the teleporter center.
"Radius": Players entering within this radius will be teleported.
"Destination Handle": When Teleport Local is OFF, this is the handle of the destination experience.
"Avatar ID": When Teleport Local is OFF, this is the handle of the destination's owner.
"Teleport Local": Turn ON to teleport within the same scene; Turn OFF to teleport to another scene.
"Local Dest Point": When Teleport Local is OFF, this is the point to teleport players to.
"Delay in Seconds": Set a delay time before teleporting the player. If set to a value below ZERO and Sound is not NONE, then the teleport will wait until the sound is finished playing.
"Sound": Set a sound to play when the teleporter is triggered. Sound is played in world at the Center Point, or center of object if Center on Object is ON.

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