Customizable Satin Curtains - Infinite Color Options | Sansar Store
Customizable Satin Curtains - Infinite Color Options

Customizable Satin Curtains - Infinite Color Options


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Transform your space with our luxurious customizable satin curtains, designed to bring a touch of timeless elegance to your decor. Featuring a subtly matte lining for a delicate contrast effect, these curtains captivate the eye with their gentle movement, appearing to float as if swayed by a light breeze.

Our curtains are not only available in two versions - a low-resolution version with 624 Tris, ideal for versatile use, and a high-definition version with 2.5K Tris, offering exceptional detail precision for an immersive visual experience - and they have a collision volume.

And they are also fully customizable. You can easily stretch them to resize as needed, remove the volume, adjust their hue to achieve an infinite color palette, and even modify displacement in materials to control movement, from subtle to pronounced, or make it static.

These curtains offer a realistic immersive experience. The outer face of the curtain is luxuriously satin, while the inner lining is more matte.

Indulge in limitless customization with our satin curtains - the perfect accessory to add a touch of sophistication to your virtual space.


You can see them in Sansar here :

PS: I created it from scratch.
I hope you like it.

Enjoy and Keep Good Vibes.
Hugs from Morgane.


Item name
MPP - Customizable Satin Curtains - Infinite Color Options
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