AvatarPaint Campfire Demo v01a | Sansar Store
AvatarPaint Campfire Demo v01a

AvatarPaint Campfire Demo v01a


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"AvatarPaint Campfire" version, is a demo that makes the avatars in the scene turn the 'normal tint' when near the scene's campfire's 'WarmAreaTrigger', but when they leave it they turn 'ColdColor' (cyan/blue works good).. when they enter the 'BurnAreaTrigger' it makes the avatar look burnt and plays a sizzle sound -- the burn trigger should be quite small and put right in the center of the campfire. The two triggers can overlap and work just fine one inside the other.

More information and the source code to the script available @ https://github.com/iamfreelight/sansar-avatarpaint-campfire/

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