Proscan Media Stream Panel
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DEMO VIDEO: https://youtu.be/wiXS0LQaYOM
Scripted media channel panel supporting
20 media stream channels. Works with nearly
any media screen. Panel is modifiable and
can be resold. View demo video for example usage.
- Includes 20 media channel names and urls; modifiable
- Expandandable by 20 more slots per bank script; addon
- Use it with any compatible media surface.
- Be sure to setup default media stream source in scene
settings and set source to stream unless your using
sound emitters then use inventory.
Chat commands:
/channels - get list of programs
/channel <number> - choose a program to watch by sending (ie. /channel 2)
Instructions for url format: https://help.sansar.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003259666-Using-and-previewing-media-streams