TimerCounterHintText Script | Sansar Store
TimerCounterHintText Script

TimerCounterHintText Script


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This is a script that displays an upward counting timer (unique for each player) when 'TimerStartEvent' is received (per player sending the event..).. and stops/hides each players counter timer when 'TimerFinishEvent' or 'TimerResetEvent' is received for each player.

Also works good with other Scoreboard systems, just put this script in the same group as your scoreboard and make the events on this one match the actual scoreboard's start, finish and reset events and it should work!

Uses only -one timer- for the entire script, does not create a timer for each player, runs once per second.

See this script in action in this world: https://atlas.sansar.com/experiences/freelight-1030/chickens-obstacle-course-1

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