F Tiny - Cross Legged Chair Sit - Static Pose | Sansar Store
F Tiny - Cross Legged Chair Sit - Static Pose

F Tiny - Cross Legged Chair Sit - Static Pose


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Works with female framed avatars.

Alternative to the ledge sit emote that works better with chairs.
Works best on tiny sized avatars (scale 0.13 in lookbook)

Simple static cross legged pose for sitting on chairs with legs hanging down. To use, simply stand at the edge of a chair facing the direction you want your legs to hang and play the emote.
How to use example gif: https://gyazo.com/b97a091ac8b287d889d09d16146b05ce

If you are wearing our fairy wings they bend down into a more relaxed position with this emote.

Male version available here:

Contact "TheNick-1981" through Sansar or Sansar discord if you need re-rigging, a custom design or if there is a problem etc.

Item name
F Cross Legged Chair Sit - Tiny
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