Grill / Barbecue | Sansar Store
Grill / Barbecue

Grill / Barbecue


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When visitor grabs a sausage a new one will be rezzed after 5 seconds. When the visitor drops the sausage it will be deleted from the scene after 5 seconds. You can set the timers differently if you like.

The sausages will appear when visiting the scene (They won't appear in Edit-Mode as they are spawned by script)

Check it out here:

Not Resizeable (because the sausages have a related distance to the grill) In fact you can resize the grill but then you need to put new x y z coordinates for each sausage, in the script-settings.

Has collision.

Pls don't forget to rate the item if you like it.

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Grill / Barbecue
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