[Faster] Gentle Hover For Fairy Wings EMOTE | Sansar Store
[Faster] Gentle Hover For Fairy Wings EMOTE

[Faster] Gentle Hover For Fairy Wings EMOTE


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This is the slightly sped up version.
Elegant and gentle, looped floating animation that bobs up and down with added wing fluttering designed to work with our fairy wings.

Should also animate any wings/objects attached to the wing attach bones with varying results.

Works with male and female framed avatars.

Animation gif example: https://gyazo.com/f2c7b95c0a721ee0f5d584ad49f435da

Contact "TheNick-1981" through Sansar or Sansar discord if you need re-rigging, a custom design or if there is a problem etc.

Item name
Gentle Hover Fairy Wings Faster
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