Deep Woods House Cabin | Sansar Store
Deep Woods House Cabin

Deep Woods House Cabin


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This is the Deep Woods Cabin, made with customization in mind. This house was designed for Sansar and comes with the ability to change the textures and colors on the walls in each room (right click house>Materials (see pic)).
This is a 2 bedroom, single bath house. It has a open-concept living/dining/kitchen area. This also comes with two bedrooms with closets and a utility room. There is also a cute little front porch. All of the doors have Evo's door script in them so you can change settings in each door separately to control things such as auto-close, sounds, timer, open angles and more.

You can visit this house at my Demo scene, please feel free to walk around, open doors and really explore it. Also please check out other builds while you are there! Visit "Zero's Homes for a Virtual Life" .

**This listing is for the house only. All furniture pictured must be bought separately on the Sansar store. Kitchen cabinets and counters are also sold-separately. I will be creating and listing some modular pieces for creating your own kitchen VERY SOON, I simply ran out of time and wanted to get this listed before the big Lost Horizon event.

**I made a video that shows how to move my houses easily in the editor (since the doors are separate pieces from the house to let you open/close them) as well as how to retexture and/or change colors of walls and stuff since a lot of people have come to me asking the same question... I hope this helps...

***Also, if you experience the issue where scripts do not respond upon entering your scene, such as doors not opening or media screens not working, this is a client/server issue/bug that happens from time to time when spinning up a new server... You may need to just rejoin the scene and they will all work again. This is a bug in Sansar that is far beyond any of our control... Thanks.

Tris: 27.2 k
Geom: 889.6 KB
Tex: 143.2 MB
Audio: 0

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Deep Woods Cabin
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