Moving Head 500 System
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Moving Head 500 System (Read these instructions carefully):
This package contains:
1 controller desk
1 main line of 6 units (marked X)
3 additional lines of 6 units
A few rules to avoid the system to break:
1) Always keep a backup of the package in your inventory, so you can bring another copy into your world if something goes wrong.
2) Always move the controller desk via its top level folder: "Command Desk" or the buttons will misalign and the desk functionality will break!
3) Never delete/duplicate the main line of units (marked X), (If you just need one keep the one marked X. If you later change your mind you can always bring another version of the package into your world).
4) Only duplicate the lines of units that are not marked X.
5) Always move/rotate the unit lines + unit lines "all off" in pairs so they match on top of each other.
6) I have made permissions for:
- Intervals in the randomizers for animations (6 normal animations + 6 animations of the same kind, but with alternating beam size zoom) & random colors.
- Materials for the units (Please only modify the beam texture (001, 002 & 003) for your needs, as it makes little sense to modify the unit textures themselves! I can provide the beam template. It's 1x3 frames flipbook texture with the transparency setting 25% - 50% - 75% to make the brightness button work correct). You can furthermore finetune the brightness with the intensity setting.
- Playback setting of the animation so you can also finetune the speed more to your liking if necessary.
7) Last the 6 unit lines: The distance in these objects can't be changed as it is one object (bone animated).
Happy building!