Posh 30 second looping stand - female | Sansar Store
Posh  30 second looping  stand - female

Posh 30 second looping stand - female


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Posh, ice queen or simply the "B" word, this gal has attitude.

This is an almost full length looping "animation overider" style emote.
Hands are more closed that the default as I am personally not fond of those wide hands. Clothing breakthrough "could" occur. My tests were good. Your mileage may vary.
The animation can be called from the FULL BODY emotes such as "Dance 6" etc.

All of the action is in the upper body, but using the upper body only slots shows the underlying default animation (not good in this case) and does NOT loop (in my tests anyway) so use a full body emote to map to. Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWsQXbZh9g8&feature=youtu.be

Item name
Posh 30 second looping animation
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