Grey Rock Mountains and Lush Meadows | Sansar Store
Grey Rock Mountains and Lush Meadows

Grey Rock Mountains and Lush Meadows


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Step into the Green Haven, an immersive creation that whisks you away to the heart of breathtaking nature. This land marries the rugged elegance of grey rock mountains and hills with the refreshing softness of green meadows. Perfect for those looking to add a peaceful slice of nature to their virtual world.

Dimensions & Technical Characteristics:
- Default Size: 64 x 64 x 8 meters, designed to offer a realistic walking experience with an integrated collision system.
- Weight & Details: Ultra-light at just 89 Kb and 4102 triangles, optimized for seamless integration without impacting performance.


PS: I created it from scratch.
I hope you like it.

Enjoy and Keep Good Vibes.
Hugs from Morgane.


Item name
MPP - Mountain 64m - Grass & Grey Rock
Min. resale price