Men - Stripes Tee-Shirt - Pink | Sansar Store
Men - Stripes Tee-Shirt - Pink

Men - Stripes Tee-Shirt - Pink


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This is a striped Tee-Shirt for men.

As I made it with Marvelous Designer, you can adjust it to your avatar as you want.
Same if it is looking perfect when you will simulated it, it is better to stretch it a bit on outsides pecs and under shoulders.
This will avoid to have your body going though it.

It is available in 8 different colors at my store.

And you can see them here in Sansar :

Item name
MPP - Men - Stripes TeeShirt - Pink
Made with Marvelous Designer
This garment replicates the physical properties of real fabric and can be dynamically adjusted on your avatar. Learn more.