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A proximity detection script that can be used with my spotlight scripts. Can also be used with other scripts as well since it is designed to be modular.
You can place this in any item, and you can put more than one of the same script in an item. My little datapoint spheres work nicely, simply set them under the floor.
The parameters are:
BroadcastChannel - the channel to send the message out on when a detection occurs.
DetectionRange - the spherical range to detect in meters.
SecondsToIgnore - number of seconds to not detect same avatar.
OnOffSwitch - an on/off signal to send to the device to use it. (for the spot lights on means track user, off means stop tracking user)
The message sent out on the channel is proximity_detection_on:xx where xx is the user's sessionId. This allows for a unique trigger of an avatar on tyour region. change to _off if it's set to send an off signal instead.
Standard defaults apply here, so if you set none of these they will all be 0, 0.0 or off.
The scan is ran every second.