Product Store Page | Sansar Store
Product Store Page

Product Store Page


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Display a product store listing when clicking an object.

** Instructions **
Drop this script in any object in your experience and change the settings to fit your store listing.

** Settings **
- Product Identifier: the unique identifier of the store listing. This alphanumeric value can be found in the store listing url and is 32 characters long.
- Interaction Prompt: text to display when hovering the object.
- Open Store Sound: optional sound to play locally when the product store page is opened.
- Open Store Sound Loudness: the loudness in decibels of the sound that plays locally when the product store page is opened.
- Active: toggles the script on or off.

** Changelog **
v4.0.0.20 (2022-09-03)
- Revised code
- Added sound settings

** Questions, issues or suggestions? **
Contact @Tron-Sansar

Item name
Product Store Page v4.0.0.20
Min. resale price